Advised Clients on various employment related issues with regard to the welfare of labour including conditions of work, provident fund of employees, employees state insurance fund, minimum wages, disputes concerning union employees, social security and insurance, employment and unemployment related issues, invalidity of employees and old age pension, maternity benefits and other medical benefits for the employees and also the Right to Information as per the Act.
Labour disputes, Industrial Disputes, Retrenchments, Closures, Lockouts, Lay-off, Strikes, Termination, Dismissal, Removal, suspension, domestic inquiries. Factories Registration, Compliance of Factories Act.
Documentation related to compliance of various labour laws, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act, Shops and Establishment Act, Bonus Act, Standing Orders Act, Employers State Insurance (ESI) Act, Employees Provident Fund (EPF) Act.
Consultant for NGOs and Corporate entities.
Preparation and upkeep of the records and deposit of contribution as required under Delhi-NCR Labour Welfare Fund Rules.
- Calculation of contribution and deposited along with Form ‘A’ within prescribed time as per Act.
- Updating regarding new notifications and amendments done by Labour Department.
- All assessment & inspection from Labour department, when required
- Reply of Notices etc. from the concern authorities.
- Maintenance of all statutory registers & submission of form required by the Labour Department